Focus on people – Vivien Liskovsky

Short profile

Vivien Liskovsky is a professional photographer from Germany who has been living and working in Paris since 2018. After completing her training in an e-fashion concept studio in 2016, Vivien has worked with various professional photographers to broaden her photographic horizons. She has been managing the WhiteWall location in Paris since 2018.

In this interview, she not only reveals her favorite products from our range, but also gives insights into her life as a photographer and what inspires her in her work. 

portrait Vivien Liskovsky.


What exactly do you do at WhiteWall and how do you live out your passion for photography in your daily work?

Since 2018, I've been responsible for our location in Paris. My role primarily involves advising our customers to help them find the best product for their photos and ensuring that their print data is prepared correctly.

With my technical expertise and experience as a photographer, I assist in creating unforgettable exhibitions and reviving cherished memories on the walls of our customers' homes. Being a photographer plays a crucial role in this. While working in print and being a photographer are distinct disciplines, I've found a way to blend them in a complementary manner, bringing both an artistic and technical dimension to my customer consultations. This is a clear strength in everyday life.

Can you tell us a bit about when you started taking photos and how you got into it? And how has your photography changed over time, for example in terms of subject matter?

I completed my training as a photographer in 2016 with a focus on fashion. However, I have always taken photos, even as a child. My father and grandfather were always looking for their cameras because I would disappear with them to take photos. I never asked myself what I wanted to be when I grew up, as photography has always felt like a natural career path for me, almost as if it was ingrained in me from the start.

My approach has always been artistic, aiming to create something lasting. As an artist, this is a life project with constant questioning and movement, which is also good, because standing still is not good for creativity.

In terms of topics, initially, I focused on fashion, largely due to my training, but I always felt like something was missing. Eventually, I shifted towards more artistic projects that focus on people. During the Covid pandemic, I had an "epiphany" that led me to combine my two passions: photography and music. I'll never forget the thrill of standing in front of a large stage in Paris as a photographer – it confirmed that I had found what had always been missing in my work. I continue to work on these two areas in my photographic projects.

PJ Harvey Paris concert photography shot by Vivien Liskovsky.

Photo: Vivien Liskovsky

Please tell us more about your pictures. What is your main focus? How do you choose the colors, composition, themes, etc.?

My primary focus is on working with people in an artistic way, whether it's for portraits, events, concerts, or fashion photography. I often use analog techniques because I find that analog photography, especially in black and white, has an indescribable character.

Concert photography, in particular, is always a lighting challenge. You never truly know what the lighting will be like in advance, which I find exhilarating. It’s like "jumping in at the deep end creatively," where you must adapt on the spot.

For freelance projects, I like to take my time. The idea evolves like a fine wine, and once it’s ready, I search for the perfect model. For me, it’s all about the connection and the emotional expression that arises from that relationship. I want to immerse people in a feel-good bubble during the shoot, giving them a chance to slow down amidst the fast pace of everyday work life.

PJ Harvey Paris concert photography shot by Vivien Liskovsky.

Photo: Vivien Liskovsky

Are there any pictures that you are particularly proud of and if so, why / how were they created?   

In concert photography, the PJ Harvey concert at Olympia Hall in Paris stands out for me. The images from that night perfectly capture the artist's emotions, identity, and the atmosphere of the event. I took these photos with a tiny 35mm camera from 1976, the Rollei 35s.

In portrait photography, I’m especially proud of my first project with two models in a beautiful Parisian apartment. I organized everything, from the clothes to the location, and shot the series with a Hasselblad 500C/M. I vividly remember the anticipation of taking the films to be developed, as it was one of my first real series with the Hasselblad. The results produced a series of happy hormones and matched the idea I had in my head. I just love the depth in this series.

portrait photography, two male models in Parisian apartment, taken with Hasselblad 500C/M by Vivien Liskovsky.

Photo: Vivien Liskovsky

What inspires you? And what inspires you? Movies, books or magazines? Or what surrounds you?

I draw inspiration from life, the people around me, and music.

What is your absolute favorite WhiteWall product? And why?

My favorite product is the photo print under matte acrylic glass. It eliminates reflections, allowing viewers to fully immerse themselves in the work. The texture of the glass adds a unique character that aligns perfectly with my photography. The Fine Art print on Dibond has really piqued my interest and would also be a great match for my work.

Do you have any tips that you would like to pass on to other photography enthusiasts?

Don’t let anything hold back your creativity, don't just use your smartphone to take pictures, believe in yourself.

What else should we know about you?  

Despite all the negative opinions in my career that Paris would only remain a dream, that my French would never be good enough to speak the language in my school days, I moved to Paris in 2018 with just a one-way ticket and the essentials and oui, je parle très bien français. I am living my first dream now, and soon hope to fulfill my second dream of becoming a successful photographer and making a living from my passion.

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