"I firmly believe that engaging in art during challenging times can be a saving grace for the artist." Maryna Brodovska

"Creating collages, whether digitally or analog, is a passion of mine. The process feels akin to playing a game with endless possibilities, where I can explore, manipulate, and control various scenarios."

Photo: Focus Ukraine, Circulation(s) 2024 - Series "I Joke therefore I am" from Maryna Brodovska - Printed on ChromaLuxe HD Metal

Interview with ukrainian artist Maryna Brodovska

1/ Can you tell more about you ?

My name is Maryna Brodovska, I am 36. I’m photographer and writer from Ukraine, since the war stared, I live between Ukraine and Bulgaria.

2/ How did you get started in photography? What does photography and art mean to you?

Since childhood, I've been drawn to photography, although the reason escapes me since my family didn't own a camera. At around 12 years old, I borrowed simple cameras from friends and took my first shots, which I still cherish. During my university studies, I worked a summer job, saving up to purchase my first "professional" camera, a Nikon D-40. With this newfound tool, I enrolled in a private photography school in Kyiv. From then on, photography became integral to my life. I've since taken countless photos, primarily cataloging my experiences into countless folders. Exploring every available photographic course in Kyiv, predominantly offered by private institutions due to the absence of higher education options in photography, I eventually found my niche in art photography.

3/ How would you describe your style? What was the impact of the war on your work?

I think the best description of my style – is creative storytelling. I also consider myself a writer and before the war, I worked as a scriptwriter for television and films. It is important for me to continue sharing stories. Many of my recent visual projects incorporate text, often serving as the core narrative (particularly in "I Joke Therefore I Am"). I thoroughly enjoy experimenting with photography and manipulating images, largely due to my fascination with the creative process.

Creating collages, whether digitally or analog, is a passion of mine. The process feels akin to playing a game with endless possibilities, where I can explore, manipulate, and control various scenarios. With the onset of war, I discovered an additional therapeutic aspect to collage-making—it's remarkably calming. I firmly believe that engaging in art during challenging times can be a saving grace for the artist. Motivated by this belief, I initiated a special collage course where I teach Ukrainian artists to utilize collage techniques in telling their own stories. This endeavor not only aids them in overcoming psychological crises and tensions they've endured for two years but also empowers them to create valuable projects.

In my own artistic projects, I consistently draw from my personal experiences and reflect them in my work. While my focus previously centered on more uplifting topics,, the current circumstances has shifted my attention towards subjects connected to war and forced emigration.

4/ Is this the first time you've shown your work in an exhibition? Can you describe how you feel?

No, it is not my first exhibition, but the first one in Paris. I'm thrilled that my artworks will be showcased during the Circulations Festival. I hold great respect for their commitment to showcasing young photography and am honored to be included in the exhibition, representing my country on such a prestigious platform.

5/ What do you plan to do in Paris?

To revel in life's beautiful moments, to reunite with friends, and, of course, to explore art museums.

About Maryna Brodovska

Born in 1988 in Mykolaiv (Ukraine), Maryna Brodovska lives and works in Kyiv. She holds a master's degree in arts management from Dragomanov University (Kyiv). She is an active member of The Ukrainian Woman Photographers Organization, as well as a tutor at the MYPH art school. Her practice focuses on collage and photography.

This year she is presenting her series "I Joke Therefore I am" at the Circulation(s) festival.

Products featured in the exhibition