Books and online resources for photographers: inspiration and training

From WhiteWall expert Katharina Wergen

Open book, buildings on the left, waves on the right, on a dark wooden table.

The world of photography is fascinating and diverse, but also demanding and constantly changing. In order to be successful in this field and to constantly develop further, it is important to be able to fall back on high-quality sources of education and inspiration. Books and online resources play an important role in this. In this article, we provide an overview of recommended German-language books, Coffee Table Books, websites, YouTube channels and podcasts that can support photographers on their creative and technical journey.

Books have always been a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration. They enable a deeper examination of topics that are often only dealt with superficially in shorter online articles. They offer the opportunity to learn techniques, understand concepts and benefit from the experience of experts.

Coffee Table Books - in comparison to books on photography and photographic techniques - offer visual inspiration and show the diversity and creativity of photography. They are not only a feast for the eyes, but also teaching material that trains the eye for composition, light and color. A good portfolio of Coffee Table Books can serve as a constant reference and enrich one's style and artistic vision. In addition, it is also simply nice to see your own collection of Coffee Table Books expand over time and the copies can always provide new ideas for your own photography. There is also the haptic experience. Coffee Table Books are often elaborately designed and produced compared to classic photo books. Usually in unusual formats and printed on high-quality paper. You can also create something similar at WhiteWall - with the WhiteWall Coffee Table Book. Numerous formats and options are available here to design your own individual, high-quality Coffee Table Book.

Books and Coffee Table Books that belong in every collection

Comprehensive knowledge and pure inspiration. From the large selection of photography books and Coffee Table Books, we have made a personal selection that we would like to recommend to you. The textbooks offer both beginners and advanced photographers a wealth of information and interesting facts about photography and photographic techniques, while the Coffee Table Books showcase real photo icons and their shots.

Recommended textbooks for photographers
  • The great photography course: Digital photography by Christian Westphalen - This book is a comprehensive introduction to digital photography. It covers all the basic techniques and concepts and is ideal for beginners and advanced photographers who want to refresh and deepen their knowledge.

  • Digital photography for beginners by Juergen Wolf - A practice-oriented book that explains the basics of photography step by step and gives lots of tips and tricks for high-quality photos.

  • The photography school in pictures: Landscape photography by Hans-Peter Schaub - A special textbook for landscape photography that deals with the special challenges and techniques of this popular discipline.

Inspiring Coffee Table Books that belong in every collection
  • Genesis by Sebastião Salgado - This Coffee Table Book shows impressive black and white images of untouched nature and indigenous peoples. Salgado's work is an outstanding example of the power and beauty of photography.

  • Street Photography: The Great School of Photography by Paul Aggarwal - A book that celebrates the art of street photography and showcases the work of many well-known photographers in this genre. It offers a wealth of inspiration and practical tips.

  • Germany. A journey through time by Hans Strand - A Coffee Table Book that shows the diversity and beauty of Germany in breathtaking pictures. Ideal for anyone who wants to see their home country from a different perspective.


Books, Coffee Table Books and online resources are indispensable tools for photographers who want to develop and be inspired. While books and Coffee Table Books offer deeper insights and lasting inspiration, websites, YouTube channels and podcasts allow for quick and flexible training. By combining these different resources, photographers can improve their skills, develop their own style and stay up to date. Use the sources mentioned in this article to expand your photographic knowledge and keep yourself inspired.

Learn more about the author

As a trained portrait and wedding photographer, Katharina Wergen brings her extensive knowledge to photography. She has been working as a sales consultant at WhiteWall since 2018 and supports exhibition projects for museums and galleries. She is also increasingly focusing on reportage photography. Take a look behind the scenes of the photographer, here in the interview.

portrait of Katharina Wergen, Sales Consultant Head Office.

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Submitted by WhiteWall expert Katharina Wergen

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Challenges and photo projects for practical use

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