Concepts of shape and color with Gavin Goodman

Short profile

Gavin Goodman, an avid surfer and photographer, was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. He is the winner of the 2021 Hasselblad Masters in the Fine Art category. In addition to his successful work as a commercial and fine art photographer, he founded his own art agency in 2021 - Semblance Agency - which specializes in art direction and the creation of individual artworks.

portrait of Gavin Goodman.


Can you tell us a bit about how you became a photographer?

Around 25 years ago, I purchased a Nikon F3, a 35mm film camera, and that's when my mild obsession with capturing images began. My formal education in cinematography at film school marked the beginning of my journey, learning the concepts of light, color, composition, and storytelling. However, my real 'film school' started when I began working as a cinematographer in the film industry. By actively engaging in both paid commercial and personal work, I gradually learned my craft and developed my point of view as a visual artist. After working for 7 years in the commercial world as a Director of Photography (DP), I made the deliberate decision to transition to the world of still photography. This shift was driven by my desire for greater control over the image creation process. Since then, I’ve never looked back. 

three piece series with green background, person with dark skin and folded paper art in our green Design Edition frame.

Photo: Gavin Goodman

Please share something about your images. What is your special interest? How do you choose the colors, composition, themes etc.? 

In the 20 years that I have been creating images for a living, my tastes and my point of view have evolved. Today, I love creating images influenced by the African culture I’ve been surrounded by all my life, but in a modern, minimalistic aesthetic. I love soft pastel complimentary colors as well as a cinematic lighting approach when creating my work.

red round shape with see-through parts, gives a hint of a person behind it.

Photo: Gavin Goodman

What was your first camera?

My first camera was a Nikon F3 and a 1970 Hasselblad 500CM

What else should we know about you?

My name is Gavin Goodman, 44 years young, with my roots and heart firmly planted in Cape Town, South Africa, where I was born, raised, and continue to live. Beyond my professional life, I have a deep passion for surfing, a hobby that keeps me connected to the natural beauty of my hometown. I am happily married and the proud father of a 3-year-old son. In my professional capacity, I work as an advertising and fine art photographer. Three years ago, I took a significant step in my career by founding my own art agency called ‘Semblance Agency’ which specializes in the art direction and the creation of custom art pieces, primarily catering to the hospitality market. 

different shapes in red color with 3d aspects and hint of a person.

Photo: Gavin Goodman

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